Travel tips and advice during a pandemic


In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, travel is becoming more difficult, but that doesn’t mean travel should be completely canceled. Israel, with its unique cultural heritage, rich history and diverse natural beauty, is still an attractive place to visit. However, to make your trip to Israel safe and enjoyable, it is important to follow certain travel tips and guidelines:

Learn official health recommendations: Before traveling to Israel, make sure you read the latest recommendations and guidelines from local and international health organizations, such as the Israeli Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization.

Wear a mask and maintain social distance: In public places, including transportation, museums, restaurants and beaches, remember to wear a mask and maintain social distance.

Avoid crowds: Try to avoid large crowds and events, especially in enclosed areas.

Be aware of rules and restrictions: Before visiting museums, restaurants, stores, and other places, learn about current COVID-19 rules and restrictions.

Be prepared for changes in plans: Given the rapidly changing situation, be prepared for possible changes in your travel plan. This may include changes in flight schedules, closure of attractions, or changes in security regulations.

Book accommodation in advance: As some hotels and inns may have limited capacity due to security measures, it is recommended to book accommodation in advance.

Practice good hygiene: Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or use antiseptic gel. Avoid touching your face, especially after contact with public surfaces.

Seek medical attention if you develop symptoms: If you develop symptoms of COVID-19 during your stay in Israel, seek medical attention and follow the instructions of local authorities.

By following these guidelines and staying informed of the latest news and developments, you can enjoy your trip to Israel while minimizing risks to your health and safety.